To celebrate Vaisakhi, Sikhs will visit places of worship called Gurdawaras. They will decorate for this special and lively occassion. Many people will enjoy parades and special processions through the streets called 'Nagar Kirtan'.
'Nagar'means town and 'kirtan' means the singing of hymns from the Guru Granth Sahib Ji, which is the Sikh Holy Book.
Gurdawara Sahib Pusing also celeberated this special occassion on 12th April, 2023.
It was a very meaningful celeberation.
The Sikhs came along to celebrate Vaisakhi in a meaningful way.
God bless everyone and Happy Vaisakhi.
Vaisakhi is also known as Baisakhi.
Thanks to my friends for sharing some pictures & videos.
Credit : Joy Music
Music: The Universe Needs You
Musician: Sapajou